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Loyola University Chicago 
Assignments & Works 

This page consists of class projects and assignments that I have done or been apart of during my time at Loyola. These pages were also used for a way my teachers could see me showcasing my work but also see projects I have done outside of school. 

During my junior year, I was in an engaged learning course were the goal was to engage in a community that helps give resources, shelter, foods etc to groups in need. I had the privilege of working with Test Positive Aware Network, where the focus on awareness & giving those with HIV the tools they need. I worked on a student media team to create a TikTok account, highlight their major fundraiser through Instagram info graphics & Instagram story campaigns. 

My senior year I took a digital media planning course to add an understanding of what goes into the planning process. In this course, we were given real brands to create a media plan for specific products. My team was given Smirnoff and presented to individuals in the media planning industry and received feedback on what could & could not work. 

This courses goal to overall become a better journalist and reporter. Even though it was not my major, I took this course to better my writing and interview skills. We worked a number of projects including Google Map assignments, video interviews, video stories and more. Included are some of the projects I worked on. 

During this course we worked in groups to create a digital media overview of a business of our choosing. My group choose TBAAR Loyola & created a final report and presentation of our suggestions and findings. The presentation included KPIs, SWOT Analysis, SMART goals and Social Media Analytics. 

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